Indoor Gardening Ideas to Get You Started

Indoor gardening is an enjoyable way to bring nature into your home, particularly if you live in an urban area that lacks space for a traditional garden. Whether you’re interested in growing herbs, lemon trees or even living walls – there are plenty of indoor gardening ideas that you can get started with!

Terrariums are an excellent way to add some greenery into any room. Not only are they easy to maintain and usually quite small, but you can fit a good number of plants inside without taking up too much room. Not only that but terrariums also make great decorative accents on windowsills, desks and bedside tables; you could even use them instead of real potted plants in the kitchen!

To create a successful terrarium, you’ll need a container large enough for both the roots of your plant and a drainage hole at the bottom. This could be as straightforward as using an old plastic yogurt tub or storage bin; alternatively, you could purchase an all-inclusive terrarium kit that includes all necessary supplies.

Shelves are another great option for indoor gardens that don’t grow too tall. These shelves can be placed on a kitchen counter, in an corner of your bedroom or bathroom, or even in a mudroom if your room has windows.

Add a shelf to the top of your fireplace for an eye-catching focal point in your garden. Just be sure to select plants that are hardy enough for where you live and will thrive in cooler temperatures.

If you’re on a tight budget, why not try planting herbs and vegetables in jars instead of traditional pots? This DIY project is perfect for both experienced gardeners and children!

Microgreens are an increasingly popular option for those seeking to grow their indoor garden. These miniature versions of popular greens, like spinach or lettuce, provide an easy way to get your daily serving of fresh produce into salads or as garnish on main dishes.

Microgreens come in a wide variety, but all are packed with nutrition! Some of the most common include arugula, kale and parsley.

An indoor garden is an excellent way to connect with nature and incorporate more fresh produce into your diet! Plus, having plants or two in your kitchen can make cooking more enjoyable!

For a fun activity, have your kids decorate planters with fairy friends. They can use various materials – including moss – to create their own miniature garden!

If you don’t have time to grow your own vegetables, sprouting seeds or cuttings in water is an alternative solution. Not only will this give you a quick harvest, but it’s also delicious!

Get creative and craft your own terrarium from scratch. Reusing old containers or glass jars is an inexpensive, creative way to add some greenery into any space.

The best part of having an indoor garden is that you can enjoy it year-round! Just be sure to choose varieties which don’t need much upkeep so you can spend more time admiring your plants than working on them!